nop! no cookies in the jar, but the cat in the bowl!
meet my totally so-cute-you-can-melt new friend, the Cat in the Bowl! in between her purrs and meows, she told me she was born on a sweet sun-shower January day of year 2008. (which explains her golden sun-kissed fur i guess!)... and she's taking me to meet her owners! wheeEee~!!
and so there is Danielle & Aaron!
*i'm excited*! like, seriously! especially when you get to snoop around beautiful people that makes beautiful things and keeps beautiful cats!
so here's the fruits of my snoopings!
10 things that makes danielle and aaron happy
1. bubbletea
2. sewing
3. geeky stuff (we like to go ahhhh, ooohhh, geeky stuff)
4. pancakes
5. explosions in the sky
6. sigur ros
7. ice-cream
8. pasar malam
9. watching House while munching sour cream flavored chips
like...OMG! i love bubbletea, i love pancakes, i love sewing (tho i can't sew..hahaha!) i super love pasar malam, i'm a faithful stalker of! how cool issit that you like the same stuff that miss doodle likes, ey? (kekekekekkee *perasan*) :P
miss doodle: tell me more tell me more tell me more!
danielle: you wouldn't believe it. our full time job and what we studied are not even a particle in the fashion universe. :P we're sorta more technical people but one day we just decided why not do something different and voila, Cat in the Bowl! *counting with fingers* i think Cat in the Bowl is about 2 1/2 year-old now. we now live and breath fashion! but tell you a secret, we're still geeks at heart.
i like secrets! ^^ ... so, now you've known danielle and aaron, let's get to know their machines - First Love & Emmy the Great!

be nice and say hi to First Love & Emmy the Great! ^^
miss doodle: why cat in the bowl? when the cat's not in the bowl, where is it?
danielle: hmm..why? haha.. i don't know. we were trying to name our blogshop but none of the names we came out with were catchy or were just too boring. at that time we have this song playing on our winamp and we thought "hey, that's one cute title!". so, we named our blogshop after the song. and aaron likes cats alot. there you go :)
and so Cat in the Bowl is everything but boring. it's love at first sight for me when i set eyes on their amazing collections! uber sweet dresses with a dash of classic vintage style and a class of it's own!

danielle: my lil sis and i used to sell handmade accessories on ebay few years back. i learned sewing you know, through the great www, nowadays they have everything on the internet, everything is just one click away. :P and i think i inherited my skilled from my mum, she used to sew nice dresses for me & my sis when we were young. so, yea. i started making our own clothing line when a customer saw a skirt i made for myself on our blog. she was asking whether it was for sale because she liked it a lot and i told her i made it myself. next, she was asking me to sew the same skirt for her and so i did, that's how it all started. alamak, my story like too long la.
yes, it's too long. but, for such beautiful creations, i guess you're forgivable! keke!

and most of them sell out pretty fast! you've gotta be quick to grab them before the cats get to it!

miss doodle: what do you do when you have nothing to do? (my compulsory favorite random question)
danielle: hehehehe.. so nothing. sometimes i just sketch out some outfits that came to my mind then try to materialized them. sometimes they will turn out nice, other times they turn out crappy due to my poor executions. LOL!

miss doodle: what's your personal fav style?
danielle: i like cute dresses with a hint of the past as well as a touch from the present. moderate, not too sexy but with a hint of flirtation. now i have this obsession with dresses / tops with nice back details. :D
miss doodle: where or how do you inspire yourself for your own creations and design?
danielle: im much inspired by vintage patterns. i have this hand-me-down vintage pattern book from my mum that i like to look at. sometimes aaron will show me some styles that he likes and we will work something out. and i like those indie fashion designers on the web, all of them very inspirational.
miss doodle: where will Cat in the Bowl be going in the future?
danielle: we're not aiming to be viral but of course we want Cat in the Bowl to go further. :) maybe a small physical space in the future to showcase our creations. we're really happy when our customers come back to us and tell us that they really like our creations, you know, the compliments really put a big smile on our faces. i really like sewing and creating stuff, hopefully one day in the near future i can do it full time.
now who wouldn't wanna be a full-time fashionista if you've got such lovely inspiring studio to work in!

i hereby declare - no more pasar malam and House sessions for both danielle and aaron! you are sentenced by miss doodle to be prisoned grounded in your studio to sew more beautiful clothes - since we're now friends, and i like productive friends who produces beautiful things. (the official ban on bubbletea and ice cream is also implemented, 'cus you'll have to give them to me instead - since we're now closer friends, and i like close friends who shares) :P
see? what did i tell ya? i'm just so damn good in making friends.
go over and say hi to my new friends now, will you? ^^
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