today, miss doodle is wearing Niconicoshopz!
let's meet Nico, the pretty owner of Niconicoshopz!

miss nico: that's me! i'm full time in IT line at cyberjaya, and have a passion in selling stuff as a part time job. i run the blogshop alone, meaning doing the '1-leg-kick'! i love shopping, so selling clothes is just perfect! it's like money out, money in ... haha ...!
little things that makes Nico happy:
1. cosmetics
2. pizza
3. mcdonald's
4. money!
miss doodle: tell me more about Niconicoshopz!
miss nico: my shop started on 2009, when i was in uni. i have a passion for make-up, so during my uni life, i started to learn make-up. but the cost of spending on cosmetics are very high, so i was quite tight financially. by some chances, one of my friend taught me to source for suppliers, and i did research in getting stocks. that's when i started my store.

they've got some really cute baby-tees instore!
miss doodle: what do you think is the unique selling point of your blog?
miss nico: i am selling mostly korean/japanese/taiwan style clothing. most sellers provide only photos from their supplier, but in Niconicoshopz, i provide actual pictures which i take myself. Niconicoshopz have many goodies and great deals for customers such as giveaways.
and yeap! i do agree that it's really a plus-point that sellers can provide actual pictures so that buyers can have an assurance of the product quality!

here's some on-going promo happening at Niconicoshopz:
GiveAways - for customers who purchase RM80 within the Giveaway promo period, featuring different item from time to time
Point Rewards - Every ringgit spent is equivalent to 1 point!
Loyal Customer - Referral reward of RM10 cash rebate if you recommend your friend to shop in Niconicoshopz for both you and your friend!
Rainbow model contest - Model your purchased cloths and take a pic of yourself, and you might just win yourself some discount tokens!

miss doodle: what's the top 3 thing in your wishlist?
miss nico: more exposure to that people out there will get to know Niconicoshopz, make my blogshop more interesting, and happy customers which makes me happy! :D
miss doodle: what can we expect from niconicoshopz in the future?
miss nico: i will be having more giveaways, promotion and free gifts for customers. and i' planning to produce informative videos such as beauty tutorials. am still working on it, and it's gonna be a great add-on for my blog, so do stay stuned!
but you know what i think is the most attractive bout Niconicoshopz? all the apparels are very very affordable! don't believe? go check it out yourself!
shop : Niconicoshopz *click*
facebook : Like them! *click*
Thanks Miss Doodle!! I love it so much!!!!